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Lines of Code shootout

FSL's biggest benefit is ease of use, from short machines. However, it's not much value to just say that; instead, we should see what the actual difference is, by comparisons.

When possible, all of these comparisons are taken from the comparison product's documentation, and are generally unchanged; when not, by following something that was; and sometimes to add include or require to make runnable code. Sometimes details like labels or constancy will be altered to match for comparison; if so, this will be pointed out.

The JSSM examples are not golfed. For example, on the states of matter machine, one could hook all actions, and print from an object whose property names were the state names, to get that down to two lines; this is the expected "natural" way to write it, instead.

All code samples are formatted with prettier for fairness.

Numbers in bold represent official code; numbers not in bold are examples I wrote, and despite good faith, may not represent ideal notation. If the text is red and italic, that state machine library could not implement that comparative test correctly due to a missing feature.

Libraries are sorted shortest-average first, with failing libraries sorted to the end.

Library Tog Traf Matt Avg
jssm 1 2 5 2.66
state-machine 5 8 14 9
faste 4 14 24 10.66
javascript-state-machine 7 13 23 14.33
finity 7 10 28 15
stately 8 18 24 16.66
robot 17 24 31 24
xstate 16 36 33 28.33
nanostate 8 12 15 11.66
machina 20 26 36 27.33




Toggle machine

In essence, a simple light switch. Just shows the basics of making states, and linking them with actions.

lib length
jssm 1
faste 4
state-machine 5
finity 7
javascript-state-machine 7
stately 8
nanostate 8
xstate 16
robot 17
machina 20


jssm toggle machine, 1 line

export const toggleMachine = sm`active 'TOGGLE' <=> 'TOGGLE' inactive;`;


xstate toggle machine, 16 lines

From their documentation

export const toggleMachine = createMachine({
id: "toggle",
initial: "inactive",
states: {
inactive: {
on: {
TOGGLE: "active",
active: {
on: {
TOGGLE: "inactive",


javascript-state-machine toggle machine, 7 lines

Exported and consted.

export const toggleMachine = new StateMachine({
init: "inactive",
transitions: [
{ name: "toggle", from: "inactive", to: "active" },
{ name: "toggle", from: "active", to: "inactive" },


(created) finity toggle machine, 7 lines

Finity did not have a light switch example. I made this, following this unrelated machine as a style guide.

I don't format finity with prettier because prettier does an unreasonably bad job with the oddly nested callback structure. This isn't finity's fault.

export const toggleMachine = Finity


(created) stately toggle machine, 8 lines

Stately did not have a light switch example. I made this, following this unrelated machine as a style guide.

export const toggleMachine = Stately.machine({
inactive: {
toggle: "active",
active: {
toggle: "inactive",


nanostate toggle machine, 8 lines

Robot did not have a toggle example. I made this, following this unrelated machine as a style guide.

export const toggleMachine = nanostate("inactive", {
inactive: {
toggle: "active",
active: {
toggle: "inactive",


(created) robot toggle machine, 17 lines

Robot did not have a toggle example. I made this, following this unrelated machine as a style guide.

const toggleMachine = createMachine(
inactive: state(
active: state(
() => true


faste toggle machine, 4 lines

Taken from the readme. Renamed, bound, and exported the machine result; changed the labels.

onClick = () => this.setState( state => ({ enabled: !state.enabled}));

export const toggleMachine = faste()
.on('toggle', 'inactive', ({transitTo}) => transitTo('enabled'))
.on('toggle', 'active', ({transitTo}) => transitTo('disabled'))


state-machine toggle machine, 5 lines

No toggle machine was available; wrote from scratch and used the docs for usage guidelines.

var toggleMachine = new StateMachine({
transitions: [
'toggle : inactive > active > inactive'


machina toggle machine, 20 lines

No toggle machine example was available; wrote from scratch and used the pedestrianSignal example in their landing page for usage guidelines.

export const matter = new machina.Fsm({
initialState: "inactive",
states: {
uninitialized: {
"*": function () {
inactive: {
_toggle: "active",
active: {
_toggle: "inactive",
toggle: function () {




Traffic light

Three state, no off, no flashing red. Emit a console log of 'Red light!' whenever the red state is entered.

Shows the basics, as well as putting a hook on a state (or a node in some systems' lingo.)

lib length
jssm 2
state-machine 8
finity 10
javascript-state-machine 13
faste 14
stately 18
robot 24
xstate 36
nanostate 12
machina 26


jssm traffic light, 2 lines

export const trafficLight = sm`red 'next' => green 'next' => yellow 'next' => red;`;
trafficLight.hook_global_action("next", () => console.log("Red light!"));


(created) xstate traffic light, 36 lines

There's most of a traffic light between their documentation here and also here, and it seems to piece together into this:

export const trafficLight = createMachine(
initial: "green",
states: {
green: {
on: {
next: {
target: "yellow",
yellow: {
on: {
next: {
target: "red",
red: {
entry: "alertRed",
on: {
next: {
target: "green",
actions: {
alertGreen: (context, event) => {


(created) finity traffic light, 10 lines

finity did not have a traffic light example. I made this, following this unrelated machine as a style guide.

Finity does not appear to support hooking specific transitions, but instead offers a single global transition hook.

I didn't format this with prettier, because prettier does a really bad job with the chain .state().on().transitionTo(); the length doubles and this becomes unreadable, and that isn't finity's fault.

const matter = Finity
.onEnter(() => console.log('Red light!'))


(created) stately traffic light, 18 lines

stately did not have a traffic light example. I made this, following this unrelated machine as a style guide.

export const matter = Stately.machine({
red: {
onEnter: () => console.log("Red light!"),
next: () => {
return this.green;
green: {
next: () => {
return this.yellow;
gas: {
next: () => {
return this.red;


javascript-state-machine traffic light, 13 lines

javascript-state-machine did not have a traffic light example. I made this, from scratch.

export const matter = new StateMachine({
init: "red",
transitions: [
{ name: "next", from: "red", to: "green" },
{ name: "next", from: "green", to: "yellow" },
{ name: "next", from: "yellow", to: "red" },
methods: {
onRed: function () {
console.log("Red light!");


nanostate traffic light, 12 lines

Taken from the readme:

Changed the name of the event from timer to next; exported and consted. Reordered to start in red, instead of to start in green.

Added a red light hook with .on.

export const trafficLight = nanostate("red", {
red: {
next: "green",
green: {
next: "yellow",
yellow: {
next: "red",

trafficLight.on('red', () => console.log('Red light!'));


(created) robot traffic light, 24 lines

Robot did not have a traffic light example. I made this, following this unrelated machine as a style guide.

Robot does not appear to support hooks on nodes, so we've faked it with hooks on transitions.

export const trafficLight = createMachine(
red: state(
green: state(
yellow: state(
action(() => console.log("Red light!"))
() => true


faste traffic light, 14 lines

Taken from the readme. Only change was to rename and export the variable.

export const trafficLight = faste()
.withPhases(["red", "yellow", "green"])
green: ["yellow"],
yellow: ["red"],
red: ["green"],
.on("switch", ["red"], ({ transitTo }) => transitTo("green"))
.on("switch", ["green"], ({ transitTo }) => transitTo("yellow"))
.on("switch", ["yellow"], ({ transitTo }) => {
console.log("Red light!");


state-machine traffic light, 8 lines

No traffic light was available; wrote from scratch and used the docs for usage guidelines.

export const trafficLight = new StateMachine({
transitions: [
'next : red > green > yellow > red'
handlers: {
'red' : () => console.log('Red light!')


machina traffic light, 26 lines

Adapted from the pedestrianSignal example in their landing page.

export const trafficLight = new machina.Fsm({
initialState: "red",
states: {
uninitialized: {
"*": function () {
green: {
_next: "yellow",
yellow: {
_next: "red",
red: {
_next: "green",
_onEnter: function () {
console.log("Red light!");
next: function () {




States of Matter

Three basic states of matter. Hook each of the four transitions with chatter on follow.

In addition to the basics, shows how to put a hook on a transition (or an action or an edge, in other machines' terminology.)

lib length
jssm 5
state-machine 14
nanostate 15
javascript-state-machine 23
stately 24
faste 24
finity 28
robot 31
xstate 33
machina 36


jssm states of matter, 5 lines

export const matter = sm`solid 'melt' <=> 'freeze' liquid 'vaporize' <=> 'condense' gas`;
trafficLight.hook_global_action('melt', () => console.log('I melted'));
trafficLight.hook_global_action('freeze', () => console.log('I froze'));
trafficLight.hook_global_action('vaporize', () => console.log('I vaporized'));
trafficLight.hook_global_action('condense', () => console.log('I condensed'));


(created) xstate traffic light, 33 lines

xstate did not have a states of matter example. I made this, following this unrelated machine and this one, and also this one as style guides.

export const matter = createMachine({
initial: "solid",
states: {
solid: {
on: {
melt: {
target: "liquid",
actions: () => console.log("I melted"),
liquid: {
on: {
freeze: {
target: "solid",
actions: () => console.log("I froze"),
vaporize: {
target: "gas",
actions: () => console.log("I vaporized"),
gas: {
on: {
condense: {
target: "liquid",
actions: () => console.log("I condensed"),


javascript-state-machine states of matter, 23 lines

Used the example found here.

Changed the variable name, exported, and consted.

export const matter = new StateMachine({
init: "solid",
transitions: [
{ name: "melt", from: "solid", to: "liquid" },
{ name: "freeze", from: "liquid", to: "solid" },
{ name: "vaporize", from: "liquid", to: "gas" },
{ name: "condense", from: "gas", to: "liquid" },
methods: {
onMelt: function () {
console.log("I melted");
onFreeze: function () {
console.log("I froze");
onVaporize: function () {
console.log("I vaporized");
onCondense: function () {
console.log("I condensed");


(created) finity states of matter, 28 lines

finity did not have a states of matter example. I made this, following this unrelated machine as a style guide.

Finity does not appear to support hooking specific transitions, but instead offers a single global transition hook.

I didn't format this with prettier, because prettier does a really bad job with the chain .state().on().transitionTo(); the length doubles and this becomes unreadable, and that isn't finity's fault.

const matter = Finity
.onTransition( (fromState, toState) => {
switch (fromState) {
case 'solid':
console.log('I melted');
case 'liquid':
if (toState === solid) {
console.log('I froze');
} else if (toState === gas) {
console.log('I vaporized');
case 'gas':
console.log('I condensed');


(created) stately states of matter, 24 lines

stately did not have a states of matter example. I made this, following this unrelated machine as a style guide.

export const matter = Stately.machine({
solid: {
melt: () => {
console.log("I melted");
return this.liquid;
liquid: {
freeze: () => {
console.log("I froze");
return this.solid;
vaporize: () => {
console.log("I vaporized");
return this.gas;
gas: {
condense: () => {
console.log("I condensed");
return this.liquid;


nanostate states of matter, 15 lines, ❌ cannot implement

nanostate did not have a states of matter example. I made this, following this unrelated machine as a style guide.

nanostate does not appear to support on-action hooks, and does not appear to pass the previous state when calling its global enter hook. Therefore there is no way to correctly implement the hooks leading to liquid - condense and melt - because you can't tell whether they're coming from solid or gas. On these grounds, nanostate cannot implement this machine correctly.

export const trafficLight = nanostate("solid", {
solid: {
melt: "liquid",
liquid: {
freeze: "solid",
vaporize: "gas",
gas: {
condense: "liquid",

trafficLight.on("solid", () => console.log("I froze"));
trafficLight.on("gas", () => console.log("I vaporized"));

trafficLight.on("liquid", () =>
console.log("❌ FAIL: cannot tell if melt or condense")


(created) robot states of matter, 31 lines

robot did not have a states of matter example. I made this, following this unrelated machine as a style guide.

const matter = createMachine(
solid: state(
action(() => console.log("I melted"))
liquid: state(
action(() => console.log("I froze"))
action(() => console.log("I vaporized"))
gas: state(
action(() => console.log("I condensed"))
() => true


(created) faste states of matter, 24 lines

faste did not have a states of matter example. I made this, following this unrelated machine as a style guide.

export const matter = faste()
.withPhases(["solid", "liquid", "gas"])
solid: ["liquid"],
liquid: ["solid", "gas"],
gas: ["liquid"],
.withMessages(["melt", "freeze", "vaporize", "condense"])
.on("melt", ["solid"], ({ transitTo }) => {
console.log("I melted");
.on("freeze", ["liquid"], ({ transitTo }) => {
console.log("I froze");
.on("vaporize", ["liquid"], ({ transitTo }) => {
console.log("I vaporized");
.on("condense", ["gas"], ({ transitTo }) => {
console.log("I condensed");


state-machine states of matter, 14 lines

No states of matter example was available; wrote from scratch and used the docs for usage guidelines.

export const matter = new StateMachine({
transitions: [
"melt : solid > liquid",
"freeze : solid < liquid",
"vaporize : liquid > gas",
"condense : liquid < gas",
handlers: {
"@melt": () => console.log("I melted"),
"@freeze": () => console.log("I froze"),
"@vaporize": () => console.log("I vaporized"),
"@condense": () => console.log("I condensed"),


machina states of matter, 36 lines, ❌ cannot implement

No states of matter example was available; wrote from scratch and used the pedestrianSignal example in their landing page for usage guidelines.

machina does not appear to support on-action hooks, and does not appear to pass the previous state when calling its global enter hook. Therefore there is no way to correctly implement the hooks leading to liquid - condense and melt - because you can't tell whether they're coming from solid or gas. On these grounds, machina cannot implement this machine correctly.

export const matter = new machina.Fsm({
initialState: "solid",
states: {
uninitialized: {
"*": function () {
solid: {
_melt: "liquid",
liquid: {
_freeze: "solid",
_vaporize: "gas",
gas: {
_condense: "liquid",
_onEnter: function () {
console.log("Red light!");
melt: function () {
freeze: function () {
vaporize: function () {
condense: function () {

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