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What are Finite State Machines?

Support tools are important to keeping software running correctly. As programmers move from small software to medium software, they often find that teaching the computer more about what's going on, so that the computer can meaningfully argue, is a productive strategy.

Type systems are an obvious example - if you have a variable meant to store a number, and accidentally attempt to assign some text to it, it is useful for your programming lanugage or environment to be able to discover and announce the mistake. Check constraints, foreign keys, specs, and unit tests are other examples of teaching the computer to say "no."

Finite State Machines are a very powerful mechanism for teaching the computer what's actually happening. They represent something as a collection of states (finite because you predefine which ones exist,) then define which states may turn into which other states. Most of the value of a state machine comes from this modelling, and from refusing inappropriate transitions.

Finite State Machines are a classic tool from the 1950s, meant to allow a system to be better defined. In formal and high safety systems they are a critical tool. FSL, the Finite State Language, exists to make them easier to write, debug, and maintain.

Most likely, you're already pretty familiar with a lot of state machines - light switches, traffic lights, microwaves, and so forth. On those grounds, we teach state machines by example.



The light switch

An easy starting example is the idealized light switch: it's either turned On, or turned Off. When the switch is On, it can be turned Off, but when it's On, it can't be turned On again; the rules are similar for Off.

In FSL, we write states as just their names, and then connections as arrows ->; as such, we would write a light switch this way:

On -> Off -> On;

Or, to save time, we can use a double-sided arrow <->:

On <-> Off;

It might also be reasonable to say that to toggle is to switch from either state to the other, without needing to know ahead of time. We call that an action, and write it in single quotes ', inbetween the state and the relevant arrow.

On 'toggle' -> Off 'toggle' -> On;

The placement of the action on double-sided arrows matches the arrow itself:

On 'toggle' <-> 'toggle' Off;

And were we to graph this, it might look like so:

But, a light switch is hardly convincing, or much worth paying attention to. There isn't a whole lot of value here, except for showing notation.



The traffic light

The traffic light is maybe the smallest useful state machine. It's three states (or four if you count Off,) and there's a good reason for it to be there: it's important that a traffic light doesn't "go backwards."

Traffic lights are directional in several ways. The important one is color: a traffic light that's Yellow must next go to Red. If the wrong thing happens, and the light goes from Yellow to Green instead, an accident might happen. People could die.

In code, you'd need to do something like this:

const allowed = {
'green' : ['yellow', 'off'],
'yellow' : ['red', 'off'],
'red' : ['green', 'off'],
'off' : ['red']

let state = 'off';

function switch_to(next) {

if (allowed[state].includes(next)) {
state = next;
return true;
} else {
return false;



And that is a rudimentary state machine.



Doing it in FSL

Of course, we're in a state machine programming language and library whose design is meant to make them simple, so, we'd write this, instead:

const TrafficLight = sm`
Off -> Red -> Green -> Yellow -> Red;
[Red Yellow Green] -> Off;


It's implied that, unless you say otherwise, the first mentioned state is the state the machine starts in, so, this traffic light starts in Off.

For purposes of the tutorial, we'll just focus on the language part:

Off -> Red -> Green -> Yellow -> Red;
[Red Yellow Green] -> Off;

What's important here is that we've taught the machine light color order. If it's in Yellow, it knows that it isn't allowed to go to Green, and if you tell it to do that, it'll refuse.

This is, roughly, the value of type systems, check constraints, proof systems, some kinds of constraint programming, and arguably of testing and even linting: teaching the machine what wrong is, so that it can support you.



Making life easier.

State machines are an extremely powerful tool for machine auditing and machine self-diagnosis.

They can also, however, be supportive and convenient. By example, the previous version of our traffic light state machine requires a user to know what color it's currently in, in order to proceed.

This seems undesirable. Less thinking is better.

Let's teach our machine to accept an instruction next to proeed to whatever the correct successor color is:

Off 'enable' -> Red;
Red 'next' -> Green 'next' -> Yellow 'next' -> Red;
[Red Yellow Green] 'disable' -> Off;

We didn't have to break off the opening Off -> Red that way; the author just thinks it's cleaner looking (indeed, this machine can be a one-liner if you don't much care about readability.)

Now, we can interact with the machine in this easier way:

TrafficLight.do('enable');  // to red
TrafficLight.do('next'); // to green
TrafficLight.do('next'); // to yellow
TrafficLight.do('next'); // to red



More simple machines

And, already, a bunch of other simple machines are accessable. Some examples:


Three brightness lamp

Three brightness lamp is pretty similar to a traffic light, except that Off is part of the main loop instead of an extra state:

Off 'touch' -> Bright 'touch' -> Medium 'touch' -> Dim 'touch' -> Off;


Locking door

A locking door, by contrast, might have a state for Unlocked which responds to open by switching to Opened, but a state Locked which responds to open by going to itself (or perhaps just not expressing the action at all.)

Opened 'close' <-> 'open' Closed 'lock' <-> 'unlock' Locked;
Locked 'open' -> Locked;


States of matter

The basic four states of matter on Earth:

 Solid      'melt' <-> 'freeze'    Liquid;
Liquid 'vaporize' <-> 'condense' Gas;
Gas 'ionize' <-> 'recombine' Plasma;
Solid 'sublimate' <-> 'deposit' Gas;

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